Industry News

Top Payment Processing Challenges for Medical Clinics 2021


What is a Payment Processor? A payment processor is some sort of transactor for financial calculations, technically an invertible currency exchange appointed by a merchant to handle transactions from various channels such as credit cards and debit cards for merchant acquiring banks. Payment gateways are the first step in the online payment process, and they [...]

Top Payment Processing Challenges for Medical Clinics 20212021-04-19T14:09:34-05:00

How to Protect Your Revenue Cycle in Healthcare in 2021


As 2021 is now underway, here’s what you can expect from healthcare-centric revenue cycle projects. Budgets and spending may continue to get trimmed throughout the year to offset the financial difficulties and lower margins COVID has brought upon organizations over the past year, but many IT, Marketing, and Automation projects may take their place. Here [...]

How to Protect Your Revenue Cycle in Healthcare in 20212021-03-02T13:48:37-06:00

5+1 Ways to Collect Payment More Efficiently


Are you doing all you can to quickly and efficiently collect payments from your patients? We've created a recap of our top payment collection ideas. [pjc_slideshow slide_type="payment-collection-ideas"] Have questions or would like more information? Contact us directly at (402) 206-2233 or complete the form below to get started. Be sure to tell us if you're [...]

5+1 Ways to Collect Payment More Efficiently2016-12-12T13:03:57-06:00

5 FAQs About the Department of Labor’s New “White Collar” Overtime Rule


Have you heard about the new “white collar” overtime rule set forth by the U.S. Department of Labor as part of the Fair Labor Standards Act? If not, chances are it’s going to affect your business and your employees. In a nutshell, here’s what you can expect: Minimum salary threshold for overtime eligibility increased from [...]

5 FAQs About the Department of Labor’s New “White Collar” Overtime Rule2016-07-11T09:49:22-05:00

4 Ways to Lower Credit Card Processing Fees


Accepting credit cards is a must have for most businesses today but the convenience doesn't come free. As a business, there are a few things you can do to help reduce these fees! Here are four simple ways that you can lower your business’s processing costs: Swipe as much as possible. Swiping credit cards [...]

4 Ways to Lower Credit Card Processing Fees2019-08-26T12:05:49-05:00

Credit Card Processing Sales Scam


It started out as a normal working day. He opened his retail store, turned on the music and his computer. His first couple customers came in for the day and then the phone rang. He answered it like he always did but this call was different. He has been using our credit card processing service [...]

Credit Card Processing Sales Scam2015-02-10T14:04:24-06:00

EMV & Apple Pay Questions and Answers


EMV (Europay MasterCard Visa) chip technology is the credit card industry's solution to dramatically decrease card-present fraud. Banks are now beginning to issue credit cards with this chip and businesses are now starting to upgrade credit card processing equipment in order to accept this new technology. What is EMV and what is its purpose? EMV was [...]

EMV & Apple Pay Questions and Answers2019-08-26T12:07:50-05:00

EMV Questions Answered


Written by Cara Dolberg Lately, we've been receiving quite a few phone calls regarding EMV and what next steps should be taken to become compliant. To help clear the air, we've compiled a list of frequently asked questions below. 1. What is EMV and its purpose? EMV (Europay International MasterCard Visa) was formed [...]

EMV Questions Answered2014-03-25T15:03:34-05:00

Phishing Scam Targeting Business Owners


With the recent large-scale breaches affecting Target shoppers, it is no surprise to us that a new scam is now targeting business owners. Although this time, the scammers are going after the business’ merchant account instead of customer’s credit cards. This scam is widespread and business owners may be targeted regardless of their payment processing provider. [...]

Phishing Scam Targeting Business Owners2014-02-17T10:05:38-06:00

Help Make Your Business Boom


Wondering how something as simple as a working capital loan can help make your business boom? Take a minute to read this client's story and how we were able to help them grow and improve their business by acquiring additional working capital (we have left out the business' information for privacy). The best part about [...]

Help Make Your Business Boom2019-08-26T12:10:54-05:00
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